Faith Formation Opportunities
Pastors’ Class
Sundays @ 10 a.m. in the Disciple Room
A small group that meets weekly in the Disciple Room to discuss the week’s primary preaching text.
Accidental Saints
Thursdays @ 10 a.m. in building 105, room 1
Join this women's study as we read books, laugh, pray, and share in deep, meaningful discussion around all of the ways God has made us imperfect and beautiful.
Carolina Meadows Bible Study
3rd Thursday of each month @ 11 a.m.
Join Pastor Ben for a time of bible study and fellowship at Carolina Meadows from 11 a.m. to noon. We will meet in the board room, which is located to the right as you enter the main building.
Join us on Wednesdays during the season of Lent in Ascension Hall from 12-1:30 p.m. for a discussion led by Rev. Dr. Bill Lawrence about the United Methodist Social Principles.
There is no cost associated with the event UNLESS you would like lunch. If you plan on eating with us, please register each week by the end of day Monday so that we can order food.
Fellowship Opportunities
Women of Purpose: Tuesdays @ 10:30 a.m. via Zoom. For more information, contact Cynthia Wheaton
Handbells & Choir: Wednesdays @ 5:45 & 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. For more information, contact Dr. Daniel Steinert
Word Lovers: 2nd Thursday of each month @ 10:30 a.m. via Zoom. For more information, contact Cynthia Wheaton
Chatham Ridge Worship & Hymns: 2nd Thursday of each month @ 2 p.m. For more information, contact Dr. Daniel Steinert
United Women in Faith: 3rd Sunday of each month @ 3 p.m. For more information, contact Karen Gunter
Men’s Bible Discussion: 3rd Monday of each month @ 12 p.m. For more information, contact Doug Wakeman
Men’s Breakfast Club: 4th Tuesday of each month @ 8:30 a.m. For more information, contact Roy Thornton
Prayer Team: Last Wednesday of each month @ 10 a.m. in Building 105. For more information, contact Pastor Kristen Hanna